ICT & GIGA Capture video might be an easier way to tell how to use files. At school, I have made many manuals to share how to do tasks. Some of them include how to use computers and I have had d... 2023.07.19 ICT & GIGA
English Reading an English book I bought an English book last weekend and started reading. The title of the book is How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, wr... 2023.07.04 English
Language Learning/外国語学習 簡単な単語の組み合わせ表現が難しい。 最近英語で書く記事を増やしたり、英語で読んだりする機会を意図的に増やそうとしています。その過程でJapan Timesの記事も読むようにして、徐々に苦痛なく読めるようになってきました。もちろん知らない表現や単語は頻出するので、日本語と同じ感... 2023.05.31 Language Learning/外国語学習
English Accepted Google Certified Trainer I got accepted as a Google Certified Trainer this month. It is a certification of showing skills to teach how to apply G... 2023.05.30 EnglishICT & GIGALanguage Learning/外国語学習
Classical Guitar/クラシックギター 山陰ギターコンクールの結果 少し前になりますが、2年連続で山陰ギターコンクールに参加しました。アマチュアのギターコンクールで、今年も中級の部に参加しました。ジュリアーニのソナタ第1番、ロンドアレグレットを演奏しました。年明けに練習をはじめ、本番に向けておよそ5か月間練... 2023.05.29 Classical Guitar/クラシックギター
Classical Guitar/クラシックギター Lesson Reflection on May 27th Looking back on my lessons, now San’in Guitar Competition is over, I have been continuing with my regular practice routi... 2023.05.28 2023.05.29 Classical Guitar/クラシックギターEnglish
English Filet Fish On Saturday, I went out to eat sushi and had a chance to witness a sushi chef expertly fileting fish. The next day, I st... 2023.05.27 2023.05.29 English
English My Ideal Goal of L2 Learning Original I wish I could command a second language as fluently as my first language, Japanese. It has been my ideal goal ... 2023.05.26 English
Elementary School/小学校 Chants in a Class can be Original with AI ChatGPT has the ability to generate song lyrics and propose chord progressions, while for audio-based songs, SongR can b... 2023.05.25 Elementary School/小学校English
English ChatGPT’s Potential on Language Teaching ChatGPT has the potential to serve as an exceptional language instructor if learners employ it effectively. Since my pre... 2023.05.24 English