

Russian version of my blog

Russian version of my blog as I mentioned in my CV, I can speak Russian. but when I write a blog everyday, translating a...

National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter

昨年受験して合格だった全国通訳案内士試験に今年ももう一度挑戦しようと考えています。全国通訳案内士試験とは国家資格のひとつで、筆記試験からなる一次試験と口述試験からなる二次試験からなり誰でも受験することができる試験です。 通訳案内士試験とは ...

Reading ”The Future is Faster than You Think” in Japanese

2030年の世界,教育はどうなる? テクノロジーの融合によって,これからの未来は大きく変容していくといわれている。確かに考えてみれば,10年前の2010年は私はまだ高校生で,ケータイ電話を手にメールを使っていた。YouTubeはあったものの...

Impressions of reading スマホ脳

Impressions of reading the smartphone brain Recently, I have read a book called "Smartphone Brain" which is originally w...

TOEIC review

I finished TOEIC and came home. I haven’t taken TOEIC for 4 years. I aimed for more than 900 points, but I am not sure i...

Two Days before TOEIC Test

Two days before taking the TOEIC test. This time, I will briefly write about TOEIC, the actual score of Japanese junior ...

Online Wedding Ceremony

New Style of Wedding Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com Last Sunday, I attended an online wedding ceremony of my s...
Other Languages

How My Life Changes after Starting Blogs

How My Life Changes after Starting Blogs
Other Languages

Writing CV

New chapter has started

Interesting Article Introducing Japanese High Schools

I coached volleyball practice for extracurricular activities this weekend. Actually, it is a unique Japanese culture and...