English Review of this Blog in June, 2021 More ViewersIn June, more people visited this blog, mostly from Japan. I feel glad that about 2000 people came here and ... 2021.07.05 English
English Studying for the test to be National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter I am going to take the test to be National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter this year again. I did not pass it last... 2021.07.03 EnglishQualifications
Elementary School/小学校 2年生・図画工作~くしゃくしゃぎゅ~/ Making a Paper Art with Children 「くしゃくしゃぎゅ」という題材で、クラフト紙を使って立体をつくりました。English BelowTakonosuke子どもがイメージを膨らませる子どもがイメージを膨らませるために、はじめにデザインや設定を考えていきます。自分でも一緒に作業... 2021.06.30 2021.07.03 Elementary School/小学校English
Elementary School/小学校 小学校:クラブ活動振り返り 歌詞のFinally you've given me a reason to be strong. などは、完了形や第四文型、さらには不定詞の形容詞的用法が使用されており、中学2年生にピッタリの言語材料になっています。 2021.06.29 2021.07.03 Elementary School/小学校EnglishEnglish Education/英語教育
English スペイン語技能検定の受験 スペイン語技能検定の5級・6級6月20日にスペイン語技能検定の5級と6級を受験しました。一番低い級の受験でしたが、新形式になって初めての試験ということもあり、テスト後の感想などを書いてみました。※このブログはアメリカ時間で投稿をしているため... 2021.06.19 2021.07.03 EnglishLanguage Learning/外国語学習Spanish
Elementary School/小学校 Making a Clay Art with Children A Clay ArtI had art classes with children and since there was some materials for teachers as well, I made a clay art tog... 2021.06.12 2021.07.03 Elementary School/小学校English
English Set up Google Analytics Google AnalyticsI've heard that Google Analytics is a good tool to check visitors of the blog. I tried to set it up seve... 2021.06.02 2021.08.22 EnglishUncategorized
English Uploaded Menu of this Blog Categorized I have known that my blog is not so reader-friendly, due to not well-ordered category. My first trial is to ... 2021.05.30 2021.07.03 EnglishLanguage Learning/外国語学習Uncategorized
English Golden Week Golden WeekIn Japan, there are five successive holidays in a row at the beginning of May, called Golden Week. Japanese p... 2021.05.05 2021.07.03 EnglishUncategorized
English A Review of April New SchoolI moved to an elementary school. It is a big change for me, due to first moving and a different school type. I... 2021.04.30 2021.07.03 EnglishUncategorized