English Below

水戸市立見川小学校 山本先生の指導案 事前事後のアンケートや写真もあり参考になりました。
進藤先生・長瀬先生の指導案 単元計画を参考にしました。
A Paper Art
I made a paper art with children to help them to make their own arts. Since I did it with them at the same time and I have to teach and support them, I do not have much time to make mine. I did it with 30 minutes or so. Also, some students want to make very similar ones with teachers and I should think when I should start it.
Imagination and Design
I made a drunk octopus. It has reddish cheeks and ties a headband. (In typical Japanese comical image, drunk people ties neckties on their heads…) It opens its eyes wide and stumbles.