UNR Day 8 : Applying to SSN and International Students Reception


午前中に社会保障センターに行って,Social Security Number (SSN)の発行を請求しました。SSNはアメリカで仕事をする際に必要になるようで,社会の一員として組み入れてもらえているというような感覚になります。日本で言う市役所にあたるところなのか,開館時間の前から列ができていました。受付番号を受け取ってから1時間弱待ちました。こういったところも日本の役所と似ている感じがします。SSNの請求前に必要書類をネバダ大学のOISSと言語学部の事務の先生と確認していたので,それほど対面での手続きに時間はかかりませんでした。2週間ほどでカードが郵送されるそうです。


This morning, I went to the Social Security office to apply for my Social Security Number (SSN). The SSN is necessary for working in the U.S., and getting one feels like a step toward becoming part of the community here. The experience reminded me of visiting a city hall in Japan—there was already a line forming before the office even opened. After picking up my ticket, I waited for about an hour. The process felt similar to dealing with government offices back home. Fortunately, I had already checked the required documents with the OISS and the linguistics department at UNR, so the actual application process didn’t take long. I was told that the card should arrive in about two weeks.

In the afternoon, I attended a welcome reception for new international students at UNR. Until now, I hadn’t seen many Japanese students around campus, but there were quite a few at the reception. It was also great to see students from all over the world. I’m looking forward to getting to know more people as time goes on.

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