日本語の授業の二回目がありました。他に日本語を担当している先生の授業を追いかける形で授業を展開させてもらうことにしています。そのため、この日の授業だけは自分で用意する必要がありました。シラバスとスケジュールの確認後,日本語と英語の違いを紹介したり,日本に進出している日本の店を紹介したりしました。音節の数え方を一緒に確認しながら日本語の発音に慣れる練習をしていきました。Milkとsalad,tomato,strikeの単語を通して,音節の数を日本語と英語で比べてみました。はじめの2つの単語のmilkとsaladは僕自身が相手に伝わらなかった経験のある単語です。自分の経験が教えるときにも役立つと感じました。店の紹介として,Starbucks, McDonald’s, KFC, Baskin Robbinsをあつかいました。KFCは日本ではケンタッキーと呼ばれることが多く,クリスマスに食べることも多いことや,BRはサーティワンとして定着しているという話は盛り上がりました。

Today, I taught my second Japanese class. I’ve been following the lessons of the other Japanese instructors, but for this particular class, I had to prepare the content myself. After reviewing the syllabus and schedule, I introduced some key differences between Japanese and English sounds. I also shared examples of Japanese stores that have expanded to the U.S.
We practiced counting syllables in both languages to help students get used to Japanese pronunciation. We compared the number of syllables in words like “milk,” “salad,” “tomato,” and “strike” in both Japanese and English. Interestingly, “milk” and “salad” are words I’ve personally struggled to communicate in English before, so it was rewarding to use my own experiences to help teach these concepts.
For the store introductions, we talked about Starbucks, McDonald’s, KFC, and Baskin Robbins. The students found it interesting that KFC is commonly called “Kentucky” in Japan and that it’s often eaten at Christmas. They were also surprised to learn that Baskin Robbins is widely known as “31” in Japan. These cultural tidbits sparked a lively discussion.
Later in the day, I checked out the university gym. Graduate students can use it for free, so I wanted to see what it was like. It was packed with people, so I just took a few photos this time. I’ve heard that American universities invest heavily in their sports facilities, and UNR is no exception—the gym is huge! I’m looking forward to using it regularly once I get more settled into my routine.