朝に大学に行って,日本語の授業のために与えられている自分のオフィスに行ってみました。机とパソコンが用意されているので,研究室としても使用したいと思います。ちなみに大学にもよるのでしょうが、UNRでは博士課程の学生用の個人(もしくは共有)の研究室は用意されていません。日本の大学院に所属していた時には大学院生用の研究室が用意されていたので,その点は若干不便だなと感じます。JPN 111はひとまずこの学期だけのパートタイムなので,そのあとには研究するときの場所をどうするかを考えていこうと思います。

This morning, I headed to campus and checked out the office I’ve been assigned for teaching Japanese. It has a desk and a computer, so I’m planning to use it as my workspace for research as well. Interestingly, UNR doesn’t provide individual (or even shared) research offices for PhD students. This is a bit different from my experience in Japan, where graduate students usually had designated research spaces. It’s a minor inconvenience, but something I’ll need to figure out as I go along. For now, I’m only teaching JPN 111 part-time this semester, so I’ll have to think about where I’ll do most of my research work in the future.
At 11 AM, I taught my first class. My first teaching experience at UNR was as a Japanese instructor. Even though I have prior teaching experience, I was pretty nervous since I’ve never taught Japanese to adult learners in English before. I wanted to check the classroom setup before class, but there was another class in the room until just 10 minutes before mine started, so I couldn’t get in early. The class runs for 50 minutes, four times a week. While it’s fewer hours than I’ve taught before, this is a whole new experience for me. Today, I went over the syllabus and did a brief self-introduction. The syllabus was incredibly detailed—something I’m learning is typical in the U.S.—with clear explanations of how each activity and assignment would affect the final grade. After my class, I observed another instructor teaching JPN 111. It’s been a while since I had the chance to observe another teacher’s class, so this was a valuable experience for me.
I also had my first graduate class today. Most of the courses in my program are online, with occasional in-person sessions for full-time students like me. Today’s class was a statistics course for education majors, where we were introduced to SPSS and did some self-introductions. Before diving into statistical analysis, we covered some basic concepts, like scales of measurement. The English terms for scales, like nominal scale, were new to me, so I had to rely on context to understand them. It made me realize just how important vocabulary and background knowledge are in these classes.