

As I start my life as a graduate student at UNR, it’s becoming clear that my first big challenge might be stepping into the role of a Japanese instructor. Even though the experienced Japanese teachers here have shared their teaching materials with me, the thought of being fully responsible for a class is a bit nerve-wracking.
Today, I focused on adjusting the syllabus and schedule for my classes. One thing I’m learning about American academic culture is how meticulously planned everything is—syllabi and schedules are incredibly detailed and precise. I’ll be observing some of the other Japanese classes and using them as a model for my own, so I spent time today making slight adjustments to my schedule to keep everything in sync. I also realized that being an instructor means I’ll need to hold office hours, which is a new experience for me.
In the evening, I took a trip to Walmart, the famous American superstore. This place is massive—selling everything from groceries to furniture to car supplies. I picked up a few essentials for my new life here, and it really hit me just how huge everything is in America when I couldn’t even capture the whole store in a single photo.
Earlier in the day, I visited a flea market that’s popular with the local Mexican community. Nevada’s weather can be pretty unpredictable, with chilly mornings, so I bought some long pants to stay warm. The market was full of second-hand goods and fresh vegetables, making it a great spot to explore.